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  • Hello human, I am 閽! I am the Gatekeeper for all things トローリング

閽 thinking ...

The Shadow Council

• Supreme Architect: The pinnacle of the Tonoringu hierarchy, the Supreme Architect oversees the entire network, making pivotal decisions and guiding the society’s strategic direction.
• Guardians of the Veil: A select group of senior members who advise the Supreme Architect. They are the custodians of Tonoringu’s ethos and guardians of its deepest secrets.

The Circle of Insight

• Masters of Elements: Specialists in various fields such as Art, AI, and Content Creation, these members lead their respective domains, driving innovation and maintaining the highest standards of excellence.
• Keepers of Knowledge: Responsible for the educational aspects, including the e-learning courses and resource curation. They ensure that the wisdom of Tonoringu is preserved and disseminated.

The Enclave of Shadows

• Custodians of Secrets: This tier manages the confidential aspects of the society, overseeing the NDA processes, member confidentiality, and internal data security.
• Sentinels of Harmony: Tasked with conflict resolution and enforcement of the Code of Conduct, they preserve the order and harmony within Tonoringu.

The Nexus of Synergy

• Conduits of Connection: These members focus on networking, collaboration facilitation, and partnership development, ensuring a continuous flow of opportunities and connections within the network.
• Artisans of Innovation: Creative leaders who organize collaborative projects and challenges, fostering a culture of continuous innovation and creativity.

The Guild of Echoes

• Scribes of Legacy: Responsible for communications, both internal and external, they craft the narratives and chronicles of Tonoringu, maintaining the society’s mystique and public image.
• Harbingers of Expansion: Focused on the growth and recruitment of new members, these members identify and invite potential new entrants who align with Tonoringu’s vision and values.

General Membership

• Illuminated Brethren: The general body of Tonoringu, consisting of artists, content creators, and AI enthusiasts, forms the backbone of the society, contributing to its vibrancy and diversity.